April 30, 2004

Monkeys & Rapists

The day-after my sis leaves for Delhi. Delhi reminds me of monkeys, rapists & obnoxious ppl. Obnoxious ppl- every city has its share & HECK! I might be one myself. But what abt Monkeys & Rapists? How do we get rid of these menaces?

I strongly believe that all is fair in love & war (no matter how shit one might feel). Think of human rights as a powerful underwear stitched in heaven, countries/ppl wear it to suit their own needs. Some Sharia laws r rather useful in enforcing laws. If one is caught stealing - OFF! w/ his/her hands. Now when this is publicized like say after Friday prayer, u can enforce laws easily. Singapore caning, works on similar lines.

Monkeys trouble ppl, govt. shoots down a few of them. The more severe the method of killing the more they'll fear humans. This removes the problem of poisoning, neutering them etc. If PETA cries, ask them 'If they enjoy having their babies faces lovingly scratched or chewed?'

For the rapists we could still use Aversion Therapy. Just as w/ monkeys the harsher the punishment, the better it is for society. Televised hangings of rapists is the ultimate in aversion therapy. Administering lethal injection is like giving the offender the easy way out & it has the least of visual impact. I can think of many other ways to off these guys but all of them r too dramatic. Eg- Put a guy in a room w/ bullet-proofed, see-through walls - Next give him a weapon (handgun or knife) & shut the door. Now it'd be inhuman to let him suffer in isolation. What would the human rights ppl think. We'll play a little radio for him - tape plays screaming & howling of women. Open after he has killed himself or dies of starvation.

Barbaric acts deserve equally barbaric reactions.

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