April 24, 2004

A Novel Approach

Ever come across some interesting movie while channel surfing? U stop to watch, then it gets a bit boring & u get back to surfing. Then after a few weeks u r back at it (surfing) again & u come across another program. But this time u figure out that this was another scene from that movie u saw the other week. This continues over 2 months or so & HEY PRESTO! u r able to put 2 & 2 together. Its like the movie ' Pulp Fiction'. U take a movie, beat it to pulp, slice & dice it & then watch the bits after calling the random function.

Most Hallmark channel movies r best viewed in this manner. Hallmark movies r usually long & drawn out dramas. I usually get put of by their length & I also noticed that most movies I saw the 'novel' way were Hallmark movies. Even movies that u have watched the normal way come off totally different.

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