Its been exactly 2 years since I last cut my hair. This day, that year I had vowed to accomplish a few things in a years time! Year 2 & all I can say to myself is 2 out of 3 ain't bad. Pathetic Pandi would have put it. Anyways the show must go on.
Spent most of the morning (erm afternoon) modelling w/ NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-plines). A fancy term for curved lines whose curvature is controlled by a set of control vertices. The key to modelling as any policeman would politely tell u is to think like a sculptor. It takes quite a lot of patience to sculpt a face using NURBS. Especially if u have to deal w/ a weird middle mouse button. The damn thing just doesn't work when held down, so tracking through a view easily, is impossible. Also I found that Maya (the software) kept crashing on my system. Which has left me to suffer an unwanted 'system suffered a crash' notification whenver I boot up. This got me thinking abt & drooling over alias wavefronts sketch book. This gizmo is an Electronic sketchbook, a perfect device for uber-lazy people like me. Heck, I bet that baby crashes too! Gravity u just can't escape it ^_^
Also finished reading the 'Everest Hotel' a very good book. A few books actually gave me a sense of being there - Marquez's '100 Years of Solitude'. In '..Solitude' I could actually smell Macondo (a village) in all its funk & splendour. '.. hotel' too evoked similar sentiments. Another great book along these lines which was a great read was Naguib Mehfouz's Sugar Street trilogy. Both Marquez & Naguib r Nobel Prize winners! They say that the Nobel Prize is rigged, but I still say that these guys r good.
I once saw a documentary on Naguib Mehfouz. He was shit old & sitting on a park bench. He was recovering from a stabbing. The stabber was a fundamentalist fanatic. It was a documentary on Belly Dancing & its decline in Egypt. Egypt had one of the best schools in Belly Dancing. However that mantle, now, is held by a school in Tunisia.
Trivia: Tattooine scenes in the Star Wars Episode II was entirely shot in Tunisia.
Known Fact: That movie is the ultimate crap ever made!!
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