February 21, 2004


I remember cribbing abt not having encountered that ultimate entertainer of game a few weeks back. Well I found it, its called 'Kirby 64- The Crystal Shards' (N64 platform). U play a character (Kirby) that looks like pink bubble with stubby hands & funky red shoes. Character is rendered in the Chibi format & awesomely animated. Violence takes on a cutesy turn in this baby. To kill enemies u suck them up. u can swallow them or spit 'em out. Now if an enemy has some power & u swallow the bugger, u accquire them too. If u swallow 2 powerfull baddies u get a hybrid power, this feature rocks!! Eg - Boomerang ability+electric shock = light saber a la Darth Maul.

In essence this game is a platformer, but the 3D level design gives it an awesome edge (pun intended). U walk along paths that wrap up mountains & the camera follows. The World is luscious w/ cutsey baddies & Crayon Sinchan style backgrounds. Music is Sonic-esque. People at Nintendo sure know how to make fun games. I love these guys.

On the design front, been sifting through my noodle for logo ideas. I have to design a spanking logo for the Island Motor Racing Club. This one is a good karma assignment. So far I have 3 mediocre designs on paper. Not satisfied, anways deadline is tomorrow 10am & the night is still young. Most of the morning & a good part of the afternoon was spent at the studio. Today was on of those perpetual hard-on days. Boxer shorts leave me horny ad infinitum. Frustrating part of the day wasn't trying to satiate desires, but coping w/ the horrible line-test machine which seems to have gotten worse after the repair. Interstingly, Shilpa one of the students out there, thought I was somebody else. Only after 5 hours did she realize it was me!! The wonders of the beardless state.

Had a dream, a very satisfying one, wherein I was kicking the asses (verbally) of people who bug me. Need more dreams like these.
Plans of drinking w/ ' Whiskey' G$ & ' Lime juice' Susk got killed. Susk is still slaving at the office.

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