July 20, 2004


Sunday, I had been on a long walk with Anjalie. It has been a while since our last aimless walk. Just got me thinking about how busy I'm now (& how jobless I was, back then). Somewhere along the way I came to a conclusion that I will not die, instead I'd implode into my own navel. Maybe our navels are actually portals to another dimension!! All one has to do is 'implode' into one's navel and....

QUISSZZOOP!!! One is on 10" tall daisy covered hills that roll off to infinity. But something this good always has a catch. I figure that it woul'd be walking about with your insides out.

The Sunday evening sky was pretty clear & blue with scattered clouds. The clouds looked like white cotton (Lot of volume there). OR as we usually refer to it - the cotton transport truck just lost another load.

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