August 21, 2007

Hair Raising Issues

Woke up accidentally about 3am today morning. I found that I enjoy life more when I'm alone and waking up in the wee hours of the morning while everyone is in bed, gives me an inexplicable burst of energy. Today I decided to apply it to work that lay yawning before me. But before work, I spent a couple of minutes in front of the mirror. Its official I have a couple of grey hairs. I also may be balding. I like my hair, its 7 inches long measured downward from the point where the back side of my head joins my neck. I'm ok with the balding and greying (I'm an animator and its a tedious life). However I'm not ok with both of them assaulting me at the same time.

From a genetic POV, I cannot predict whether I'd go totally bald or grey. My paternal grandfather was completely bald by 27. My father started balding and has mysteriously stopped. On my mother's side, the males had their hair intact but it just turned white in their middle-age. Where do I fall?

I think the only reasonable way out is to dreadlock my hair. Dreadlocks would essentially lock my hair in place. The dreadlocks will overwhelm any apparent balding effect. But this could take about 2-3 years for full effect if I dread it naturally. The artificial method of back-combing & waxing is out of question. Till then & later, I can scare away the children and adults around me. Maybe I should adopt the saffron sadhu look, so I don't scare off clients. I could walk into meetings with packets of Kalkandum and pass it around like prasaadam.


Unawoken said...

On the genetics of it, I have come across this. For male pattern baldness, apparently if your maternal grandfather is bald, and all your maternal uncles are balding, then there is a very high chance that you have the gene. But this doesn't seem to be the case with you.

Anonymous said...

All you need to do is start smoking pot, and you can be a proclaimed bona fide Rastafarian!

Hari said...

hahah! :) Welcome to za klub!

Anonymous said...

Surely you kid :)

I always liked your long hair - did I ever tell you that?

Unawoken said...

semantic overload,
What do you mean he needs to start?