April 24, 2007

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

I recently finished this wonderful book by Susanna Clarke. Its fiction and reads like an English classic. The story is set around the time of the Napoleonic Wars and its is about two English magicians who are trying to revive magic and its practice. There is a lot of politics and drama between (& surrounding) the two. The good book follows a slow pace. It doesn't drag and the authoress does a good job of keeping you interested with a variety of characters and their actions. The book has a very odd ending i.e., heads - it is a definite ending and tails - could there be more adventures? If its tails, I can't wait to read the next book. If you are into appendices and footnotes, then this book has quite a bit of footnotes referring to fictional books on subjects dealt within the actual story. The footnotes definitely add to 'this thing really happened' sense of the book. So if you are a gullible kid that is very sensitive to media and prone to gunning down mates in educational institutions across the US, I'd like to see you perform some magic. You can read excerpts from the book here.

I definitely suck at reviewing books and can't help the fanboyism from setting in. Probably its because I don't want to ruin your reading experience. This book gets a 5 on 5 from me. If you are illiterate and some one is reading this out to you, learn to read for the sake of this book!


Mridul said...

i have seen this book more than once, and almost picked it up ....
maybe next time, i will :)

Moonjungle said...

you could also borrow the book from me.